[Emacs] ウィンドウ間のカーソル移動を簡単にする

Emacs でウィンドウ間のカーソル移動するには “C-x o” とするが,.emacs に (windmove-default-keybindings) と記述することで, Shift + カーソルキー でウィンドウ間のカーソル移動ができるようになる。

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$cat_ID is deprecated in /usr/home/bugyo/public_html/b-log/wp-includes/category.php on line 378

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_count is deprecated in /usr/home/bugyo/public_html/b-log/wp-includes/category.php on line 379

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_description is deprecated in /usr/home/bugyo/public_html/b-log/wp-includes/category.php on line 380

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$cat_name is deprecated in /usr/home/bugyo/public_html/b-log/wp-includes/category.php on line 381

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_nicename is deprecated in /usr/home/bugyo/public_html/b-log/wp-includes/category.php on line 382

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_parent is deprecated in /usr/home/bugyo/public_html/b-log/wp-includes/category.php on line 383
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