



diff --git a/src/wiliki.scm b/src/wiliki.scm
index e1f15c8..89ce9ce 100644
--- a/src/wiliki.scm
+++ b/src/wiliki.scm
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 (define-module wiliki
+  (use file.util)
+  (use rfc.cookie)
   (use srfi-1)
   (use srfi-11)
   (use srfi-13)
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@
   (use gauche.version)
   (use gauche.parameter)
   (use gauche.sequence)
+  (use wiliki.auth)
   (use wiliki.format)
   (use wiliki.page)
   (use wiliki.db)
@@ -53,6 +56,7 @@
           wiliki:language-link wiliki:make-navi-button
           wiliki:top-link wiliki:edit-link wiliki:history-link
           wiliki:all-link wiliki:recent-link wiliki:search-box
+          wiliki:login-link
           wiliki:menu-links wiliki:page-title wiliki:breadcrumb-links
           wiliki:wikiname-anchor wiliki:wikiname-anchor-string
@@ -131,7 +135,11 @@
 (define-wiliki-action v :read (pagename)
   ;; NB: see the comment in format-wikiname about the order of
   ;; wiliki-db-get and virtual-page? check.
-  (cond [(wiliki:db-get pagename) => html-page]
+  (cond [(wiliki:db-get pagename) =>
+         (lambda (page)
+           (if (wiliki:acl-viewable? (wiliki) page)
+               (html-page page)
+               (errorf "Can't view the page ~s" pagename)))]
         [(virtual-page? pagename) (html-page (handle-virtual-page pagename))]
         [(equal? pagename (top-page-of (wiliki)))
          (let1 toppage (make 
@@ -166,7 +174,9 @@
       ,(if page
          `(,#`"mtime: ,(ref page 'mtime)\n"
-           ,(ref page 'content))
+           ,(if (wiliki:acl-viewable? (wiliki) page)
+                (ref page 'content)
+                (format #f "Can't view the page ~s" pagename)))
          `(,#`"mtime: 0\n"
@@ -181,7 +191,13 @@
      :content `((ul
                  ,@(map (lambda (k)
                           `(li ,(wiliki:wikiname-anchor k)))
-                        (sort (wiliki:db-map (lambda (k v) k)) stringinteger :default 0)
                                 (logmsg  :convert cv-in)
+                                (acl     :convert cv-in  :default #f)
                                 (donttouch :default #f))
   ((if commit cmd-commit-edit cmd-preview)
-   pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch #f))
+   pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch #f acl))
 ;; History
 (define-wiliki-action h :read (pagename
                                (s :convert x->integer :default 0))
-  (cmd-history pagename s))
+  (if (wiliki:acl-viewable? (wiliki) (wiliki:db-get pagename))
+      (cmd-history pagename s)
+      (errorf (errorf "Can't view the page ~s" pagename))))
 (define-wiliki-action hd :read (pagename
                                 (t  :convert x->integer :default 0)
                                 (t1 :convert x->integer :default 0))
-  (cmd-diff pagename t t1))
+  (if (wiliki:acl-viewable? (wiliki) (wiliki:db-get pagename))
+      (cmd-diff pagename t t1)
+      (errorf (errorf "Can't view the page ~s" pagename))))
 (define-wiliki-action hv :read (pagename
                                 (t  :convert x->integer :default 0))
-  (cmd-viewold pagename t))
+  (if (wiliki:acl-viewable? (wiliki) (wiliki:db-get pagename))
+      (cmd-viewold pagename t)
+      (errorf (errorf "Can't view the page ~s" pagename))))
+(define-wiliki-action login :write (_
+                                    (user :default #f)
+                                    (pass :default #f))
+  (parameterize ([auth-db-path (ref (wiliki) 'password-path)]
+                 [temporary-directory (ref (wiliki) 'session-dir)])
+    (cond
+     [(and user pass (auth-valid-password? user pass))
+      `(,(cgi-header
+          :cookies (construct-cookie-string
+                   `(("SCMSESSID" ,(auth-new-session user))))
+          :location (wiliki:url :full "~a" (ref (wiliki) 'top-page))
+          :status "302 Moved"))]
+     [else
+      (html-page
+       (make 
+         :title (string-append (title-of (wiliki))": "($$ "Login"))
+         :command "c=login"
+         :content
+         `(,@(if (or user pass)
+               `((span (@ (class "wiliki-alert"))
+                       "Invalid user name or password"))
+               '())
+           (form
+            (@ (method POST) (action ,(wiliki:url)))
+            (input (@ (type hidden) (name c) (value login)))
+            (table
+             (tr (td "User name")
+                 (td (input (@ (type text) (name user)))))
+             (tr (td "Password")
+                 (td (input (@ (type password) (name pass)))))
+             (tr (td "")
+                 (td (input (@ (type submit) (value ,($$ "Login")))))))))
+         ))])))
+(define-wiliki-action logout :read (_)
+  (parameterize ([temporary-directory (ref (wiliki) 'session-dir)])
+    (auth-delete-session! (ref (wiliki) 'session-id))
+    `(,(cgi-header
+        :cookies (construct-cookie-string
+                  `(("SCMSESSID" "" :max-age 0)))
+        :location (wiliki:url :full "~a" (ref (wiliki) 'top-page))
+        :status "302 Moved"))))
 ;; WiLiKi-specific formatting routines
@@ -304,7 +370,8 @@
        (wiliki:make-navi-button '() ($$ "Top"))))
 (define (wiliki:edit-link page)
-  (and (eq? (ref (wiliki) 'editable?) #t)
+  (and (and (eq? (ref (wiliki) 'editable?) #t)
+            (wiliki:acl-editable? (wiliki) page))
        (wiliki:persistent-page? page)
        (wiliki:make-navi-button `((p ,(ref page 'key)) (c e)) ($$ "Edit"))))
@@ -331,6 +398,14 @@
                     (class "navi-button")))
+(define (wiliki:login-link)
+  (if (and (ref (wiliki) 'session-dir) (ref (wiliki) 'password-path))
+      (if (ref (wiliki) 'session-id)
+          `(,(string-append (symbol->string (ref (wiliki) 'user-name)) " | ")
+            (a (@ (href ,(url "c=logout"))) ,($$ "Logout")))
+          `((a (@ (href ,(url "c=login"))) ,($$ "Login"))))
+      '()))
 (define (wiliki:breadcrumb-links page delim)
   (define (make-link-comp rcomps acc)
     (if (null? acc)
@@ -365,7 +440,8 @@
            (ref page 'title)))))
 (define (wiliki:default-page-header page opts)
-  `(,@(wiliki:page-title page)
+  `((div (@ (align "right")) ,@(wiliki:login-link))
+    ,@(wiliki:page-title page)
     (div (@ (align "right")) ,@(wiliki:breadcrumb-links page ":"))
     (div (@ (align "right")) ,@(wiliki:menu-links page))
diff --git a/src/wiliki/core.scm b/src/wiliki/core.scm
index 58fc5d0..fcf0da9 100644
--- a/src/wiliki/core.scm
+++ b/src/wiliki/core.scm
@@ -34,12 +34,14 @@
 (define-module wiliki.core
   (use srfi-1)
   (use srfi-13)
+  (use srfi-27)
   (use gauche.parameter)
   (use gauche.charconv)
   (use gauche.logger)
   (use file.util)
   (use rfc.uri)
   (use www.cgi)
+  (use wiliki.auth)
   (use wiliki.page)
   (use util.list)
   (use util.match)
@@ -84,6 +86,9 @@
           wiliki:ip-blacklist wiliki:ip-blacklist-append!
+          wiliki:acl-editable?
+          wiliki:acl-viewable?
+          wiliki:acl-changeable?
 (select-module wiliki.core)
@@ -165,6 +170,21 @@
                   :init-value 40)
    (textarea-cols :accessor textarea-cols-of :init-keyword :textarea-cols
                   :init-value 80)
+   ;; Access control list
+   (acl         :accessor acl            :init-keyword :acl
+                :init-value '((default . all) (admin . all)))
+   (user-name   :accessor user-name      :init-keyword :user-name
+                :init-value 'default)
+   ;; Session
+   (session-dir :accessor session-dir    :init-keyword :session-dir
+                :init-value #f)
+   (session-id  :accessor session-id :init-value #f)
+   (session-lifetime :accessor session-lifetime :init-keyword :session-lifetime
+                :init-value 3600)
+   (session-gc-divisor :accessor session-gc-divisor
+                       :init-keyword :session-gc-divisor :init-value 100)
+   (password-path :accessor password-path :init-keyword :password-path
+                  :init-value #f)
@@ -184,7 +204,14 @@
      (lambda (param)
        (let ((pagename (get-page-name self param))
              (command  (cgi-get-parameter "c" param))
-             (language (cgi-get-parameter "l" param :convert string->symbol)))
+             (language (cgi-get-parameter "l" param :convert string->symbol))
+             (key      (cgi-get-parameter "SCMSESSID" param)))
+         (when (ref self 'session-dir)
+           (when (> (/ 1 (ref (wiliki) 'session-gc-divisor)) (random-real))
+             (parameterize ([temporary-directory (ref (wiliki) 'session-dir)])
+               (auth-clean-sessions! (ref self 'session-lifetime))))
+           (when key
+             (set-session-user! self key)))
          (parameterize ((wiliki:lang (or language (ref self'language))))
            (cgi-output-character-encoding (wiliki:output-charset))
            (setup-textdomain self language)
@@ -785,7 +812,8 @@
       (write (list :ctime (ref page 'ctime)
                    :cuser (ref page 'cuser)
                    :mtime (ref page 'mtime)
-                   :muser (ref page 'muser)))
+                   :muser (ref page 'muser)
+                   :acl   (ref page 'acl)))
       (display (ref page 'content)))))
 ;; Raw acessors
@@ -829,7 +857,13 @@
     (write-recent-changes db r)))
 (define (wiliki:db-recent-changes)
-  (read-recent-changes (check-db)))
+  (fold-right
+   (lambda (p acc)
+     (if (wiliki:acl-viewable? (wiliki) (wiliki:db-get (car p)))
+         (cons p acc)
+         acc))
+   '()
+   (read-recent-changes (check-db))))
 (define (wiliki:db-fold proc seed)
   (dbm-fold (check-db)
@@ -849,7 +883,11 @@
    (dbm-fold (check-db)
              (lambda (k v r)
-               (if (pred k v) (acons k (read-from-string v) r) r))
+               (if (and (not (string-prefix? " " k))
+                        (wiliki:acl-viewable? (wiliki) k v)
+                        (pred k v))
+                   (acons k (read-from-string v) r)
+                   r))
    (get-optional maybe-sorter
                  (lambda (a b)
@@ -865,6 +903,56 @@
                    w v (cut string-contains-ci <> key))))
+;;; Access control
+(define-method wiliki:parents-acl ((page ) delim)
+  (define (append-acl! rev-list acc)
+    (let* ((name (string-join (reverse rev-list) delim))
+           (page (wiliki:db-get name)))
+      (if page
+          (append! acc (ref page 'acl))
+          acc)))
+  (let ((combs (string-split (ref page 'title) delim)))
+    (pair-fold append-acl! '() (cdr (reverse combs)))))
+(define-method wiliki:page-acl ((self ) (page ))
+  (append (ref page 'acl)
+          (wiliki:parents-acl page ":")
+          (ref self 'acl)))
+(define-method wiliki:acl-editable? ((self ) (page ))
+  (let* ((acl (wiliki:page-acl self page))
+         (auth (assoc (ref self 'user-name) acl)))
+    (if (and auth (member (cdr auth)'(all write)))
+        #t
+        #f)))
+(define-method wiliki:acl-viewable? ((self ) (page ))
+  (let* ((acl (wiliki:page-acl self page))
+         (auth (assoc (ref self 'user-name) acl)))
+    (if (and auth (member (cdr auth) '(all write read)))
+        #t
+        #f)))
+(define-method wiliki:acl-viewable? ((self ) key value)
+  (let ((page (apply make  :title key (read-from-string value))))
+    (wiliki:acl-viewable? self page)))
+(define-method wiliki:acl-changeable? ((self ) (page ))
+  (let* ((acl (wiliki:page-acl self page))
+         (auth (assoc (ref self 'user-name) acl)))
+    (if (and auth (member (cdr auth) '(all)))
+        #t
+        #f)))
+;;; Session
+(define-method set-session-user! ((self ) key)
+  (guard (e [else #f])
+    (parameterize ([temporary-directory (ref self 'session-dir)])
+      (let* ((user (string->symbol (auth-get-session key))))
+        (slot-set! self 'session-id key)
+        (slot-set! self 'user-name user)
+        user))))
 ;;; Event log
diff --git a/src/wiliki/edit.scm b/src/wiliki/edit.scm
index 4414a31..eb8255f 100644
--- a/src/wiliki/edit.scm
+++ b/src/wiliki/edit.scm
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 (define $$ gettext)
-(define (edit-form preview pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch)
+(define (edit-form preview pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch acl)
   (define (buttons)
     (if preview
         `((input (@ (type submit) (name preview) (value ,($$ "Preview again"))))
@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@
                   (rows 2)
                   (cols ,(ref (wiliki)'textarea-cols)))
+     ,@(if acl
+           (list
+            `(p ,($$ "Access control list (please write like this: ((default . read) (admin . all))"))
+            `(input (@ (type text) (name acl) (value ,acl))))
+           '())
@@ -134,27 +139,32 @@
     (errorf "Can't edit the page ~s: the database is read-only" pagename))
   (let* ((page (wiliki:db-get pagename #t))
          (content (or (get-old-content page) (ref page 'content)))
+         (acl (ref page 'acl))
+    (unless (wiliki:acl-editable? (wiliki) page)
+      (errorf "Can't edit the page ~s: the page is not editable" pagename))
        :title pagename
-       (edit-form #f pagename content (ref page 'mtime) "" #f)))))
+       (edit-form #f pagename content (ref page 'mtime) "" #f
+                  (and (wiliki:acl-changeable? (wiliki) page) acl))))))
-(define (cmd-preview pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch restricted)
+(define (cmd-preview pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch restricted acl)
   (let ((page (wiliki:db-get pagename #t)))
        :title (format #f ($$ "Preview of ~a") pagename)
        (edit-form (preview-box (wiliki:format-content content))
-                  pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch)))))
+                  pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch
+                  acl)))))
 ;; DONTTOUCH - If #t, don't update RecentChanges.
 ;; LIMITED - #t indicates this edit is generated procedurally, like comment
 ;;           feature.  It is allowed if EDITABLE? == limited.
-(define (cmd-commit-edit pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch limited)
+(define (cmd-commit-edit pagename content mtime logmsg donttouch limited acl)
   (let ((p   (wiliki:db-get pagename #t))
         (now (sys-time)))
@@ -165,13 +175,18 @@
       (wiliki:redirect-page (ref (wiliki)'top-page)))
     (define (update-page content)
-      (when (page-changed? content (ref p 'content))
-        (let1 new-content
-            (parameterize ([wiliki:page-stack (list p)])
-              (expand-writer-macros content))
+      (when (or (page-changed? content (ref p 'content))
+                (and acl
+                     (not (equal? (read-from-string acl) (ref p 'acl)))))
+        (let ((new-content
+               (parameterize ([wiliki:page-stack (list p)])
+                             (expand-writer-macros content)))
+              (aclist (and acl (read-from-string acl))))
+          (unless (list? aclist) (set! aclist '()))
           (write-log (wiliki) pagename (ref p 'content) new-content now logmsg)
           (set! (ref p 'mtime) now)
           (set! (ref p 'content) new-content)
+          (when acl (set! (ref p 'acl) aclist))
           (wiliki:db-put! pagename p :donttouch donttouch)))
       (wiliki:redirect-page pagename))
@@ -238,6 +253,8 @@
       (when (or (not editable)
                 (and (not limited) (eq? editable 'limited)))
         (errorf "Can't edit the page ~s: the database is read-only" pagename)))
+    (unless (wiliki:acl-editable? (wiliki) p)
+      (errorf "Can't edit the page ~s: the page is not editable" pagename))
       => (lambda (reason)
@@ -269,7 +286,10 @@
        ,(wiliki:format-diff-pre diff)
        (a (@ (name "edit")) (hr))
        ,($$ "

The following shows what you are about to submit. Please re-edit the content and submit again.

") - ,@(edit-form #f (ref page 'key) content (ref page 'mtime) logmsg donttouch) + ,@(edit-form #f (ref page 'key) content (ref page 'mtime) logmsg + donttouch + (and (wiliki:acl-changeable? (wiliki) page) + (ref page 'acl))) )))) (define (preview-box content) diff --git a/src/wiliki/page.scm b/src/wiliki/page.scm index 02d04d1..c4db8ae 100644 --- a/src/wiliki/page.scm +++ b/src/wiliki/page.scm @@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ (cuser :init-value #f :init-keyword :cuser) (mtime :init-value #f :init-keyword :mtime) (muser :init-value #f :init-keyword :muser) + ;; acl - Access control list. + (acl :init-value '() :init-keyword :acl) )) ;;==================================================================

One Response to “WiLiKiにアクセス制御機能を付けた”

  1. […] 前回に続いて、こんどはファイルのアップロード機能を付けました。 […]

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