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Please enjoy this game.
Once upon a time, there was a genious merchant called “one-eyed merchant” in this country.He devised the auction of cross-selling method to show only one of the two sets of products, has become a millionaire.
(Copy by BGG start)
In One-Eyed Merchant, each player bids on “cross-sold” commodities at the market, trying to gain the most money and become something of a “one-eyed merchant” themself.
(Copy by BGG end)
13 Commodity Cards
60 Coins(30×1, 20×5, 10×10)
26 Commodity Chips(7Chocolate, 7Gold, 7Silk, 5Junk)
4 Simplified Chart
1 Manual
【Commodity Card】
13 cards have been drawn a icon in each of both sides. There are three types of chocolate/gold/silk (called “Goods Icon”). Other, there is a basically no value icon (called “Junk Icon”).
1. All players get 30coins at first.
2. Shuffle Commodity Cards. *Attention* Commodity Cards don’t have distinction about two side. Please shuffle while turned over how many pieces occasionally.
3. One Commodity Card, you shade aside being careful not see the back.This is the “Pricing Card”
【Pricing Card】
Pricing card will determine the value of the commodity. Commodities displayed in the Pricing Card is a small number on the market, it is trading at the high price.Each Goods Icon is trading at 2coins per icon, but the Goods Icon displayed on the surface of the Pricing Card value will be +2coins.Goods Icon displayed on the back of the Pricing Card value will be +1coins. The back side will published at the end of the round. Don’t look at the back of Pricing Card until it. This price increase is overlap. However, if the Junk Icon has been drawn to Pricing Card, corresponding prices does not occur.
Pricing Card
front Chocolate
back Silk
Chocolate 4coins
Gold 2coins
Silk 3coins
Pricing Card
front Chocolate
back Chocolate
Chocolate 5coins
Gold 2coins
Silk 2coins
Pricing Card
front Junk
back Silk
Chocolate 2coins
Gold 2coins
Silk 3coins
Pricing Card
front Gold
back Junk
Chocolate 2coins
Gold 4coins
Silk 2coins
4. Place the remaining Commodity Cards deck in the middle of the table.
5. The combined deck and all chips is called “Market”.
1. Most recently the shopping players will be the first player. We call this player “Parent”. When the parent is determined, round begins.
2. The top card of the deck with care so that the back is not visible and place it next to the deck. This we called the place of the card.
3. Parent declares how many coins to buy the place of card. Do not declare a number that exceeds the coin you have.
4. In order from the left next to a parent , you can either put a higher value than the previous declaration, declare whether or not to buy. When the parent of the right of the players finished the declaration, it gave the most high player won the place of card, you pay a chip to Market.
5. If anyone not put a value on the place card, the place card will be discard.This card not be used until the next round.
6. You can free to check the back side of your acquired Commodity Card (you should not to see your commodity card to other players).
7. The player who won the Commodity Card becomes the next Parent, and repeat the same.
8. When the place card and deck are eliminated, or someone player’s coin is gone, round is end.
9. Do the Results(for details see below).
10. Results is complete, each Commodity chips is returned to the Market, and shuffle all Commodity Cards.And do same thing of :Progression2.
11. The player who won the last Commodity Card in the previous round becomes the Parent,it will start the next round.
12. When the three rounds over,win the player that has the most coins.
1.Check the back of the Pricing Card (worth of Goods Icons in the current round is confirmed here).
2.Recieve the same amount of Commodity Chips and drawn number on your Commodity Cards from the Market.
3.Check your Commodity Chips.This game has some bonuses.
ones :You recieve 5coins each time when you collect any one kind of Goods Icons of three.
two :You recieve 5coins each time to collect kind of all Goods Icons one set.
three :You recieve 15coins when you collect Junk Icons of four.(Junk bonuses are not overlap)
four :You recieve 25coins when you collect Junk Icons of five.(Junk bonuses are not overlap)
Pricing Card
front Chocolate
back Silk
Chocolate 4coins
Gold 2coins
Silk 3coins
Player A take 4 Commodity Cards = 8 Commodity Icons
breakdown 3 Chocolate / 2 Gold / 2 Silk / 1 Junk
bonus one : 3Chocolate = 5coins
bonus two : 2 set of all Goods Icons = 10coins
basic coin income 4×3 + 2×2 + 3×2 + 1×0 = 22
bonuses coin income 5 + 10 = 15
So player A recieve 37coins in total from the Market.
Player B take 4 Commodity Cards = 8 Commodity Icons
breakdown 1 Chocolate / 1 Gold / 1 Silk / 4 Junk
bonus two : 1 set of all Goods Icons = 5coins
bonus three : 4 Junk = 15coins
basic coin income 4×1 + 2×1 + 3×1 + 4×0 = 9
bonuses coin income 5 + 15 = 20
So player B recieve 29coins in total from the Market.